At AYC, we are a vibrant community of boating enthusiasts located in the heart of downtown Toronto. With over 100 boats, we offer a wide range of opportunities to enjoy the water, including sailing, racing, and cruising. Our club is also a hub for social events, from casual get-togethers to formal galas. Come be a part of our community and experience the thrill of the water!

Annual Dues: $660
Initiation Fee: $2,500
Mooring Debenture: $600 (Refundable*)
Building Debenture: $2,000 (Refundable*)
Summer Mooring: $1.80/sq. ft. (10' x 30' = $540)
Winter Storage** : $2.00/sq. ft. (10' x 30' = $600)
*The debentures are refundable following notification in writing to the club of the member's decision to resign membership and will be redeemed in the order of the waiting list as each new senior member is accepted.
**Winter storage includes lifting out and launching on the days the club brings in a mobile crane.
The Alexandra Yacht Club is a self-help club, which means that we do all our own maintenance, upkeep and repairs. All senior members must contribute a minimum of 20 work hours per fiscal year (October 31).
For more membership information contact the Membership Director at
Membership application form available here.
A Cheque in the amount of $5,760 ($2,500 initiation fee + $660 yearly membership dues + $2,600 debentures) + HST + Summer Mooring Fees will be requested on approval of membership.
After the first year costs will be annual membership dues, summer mooring and winter storage fees
Founded in 1906, the first clubhouse was located on Fisherman's Island, a narrow sandbar running south from Cherry street at the east end of Toronto Bay.
About 1914, control of Fishermans Island was transferred to the newly formed Toronto Harbour Commissioners and the club was moved to the north-east of Ward's Island.
In 1918, severe ice conditions shifted the pilings, damaging the foundations and eventually causing the collapse of the clubhouse and the destruction of many of the dinghy's stored inside.
1919 marked the move from Ward's Island to a site on the Aquatic Club reservations at the foot of Bathurst Street. In this new location the club discovered the problems of dredging a launching channel through 14 inch water depth extending about 100 feet out from the club, contended with the loss of many members due to the lack of water depth and survived the impossibility of collecting dues during the depression of the 1930's and dwindling membership during WWII.
But the AYC preserved long enough to enjoy a revitalization in the 1950's. As a streets were laid in the waterfront area, their site eventually became known as 24 Stadium Road. The club remained in that location until the autumn of 1987.

On weekends, the Officer of the Day will be glad to help you. A dock may be available if one of our members is away on a cruise. If you can't find the Officer of the day, the Mooring Master (Rear Commodore) or one of the Board members can usually be identified by one of the club members.
Due to limited space, rafting is mandatory on the front wall, if requested. Please do not block the area under the crane painted yellow. This area is reserved for emergencies or pump out.
Officer of the Day is usually available by phone or CH68

As a member of a reciprocal club, you are welcome to stay free for two nights. Please sign the visitor's log in the lounge on the main floor.

Computer and Wifi
A computer connected to the internet is available to any visitor in the clubhouse on the ground floor just as you go in from the docks. Wi-Fi, reaching all docks, is also available to visitors - just ask the OD, or any member, for the password. Connect to 'AYC' and select WPA security, and enter the password.

Pump out is available to visitors with the assistance of a club member.